Hidroxol – Growing Hair Tonic

Tonic for hair growth 2 Oz. bottle with dropper  Helps boost cell renewal for thicker and stronger looking hair

Hidroxol – Amazonic Blend Spray for Hair Loss

Spray for hair growth 2 Oz. bottle with sprayer Supports growth activation and helps with hair loss.

Body Detox – Capsules

Nutritional supplement with "detox" effect Bottle of 60 capsules Helps with bowel movement and eliminates waste accumulation in the intestine. It also collaborates with the detoxification of the body by cleaning it from various toxins.

Bioxtron Life – Cream x3

2 Oz. Cream x3 Cream based on algae A.F.A. With analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce muscle aches and soften the joints.

AbeeMed – Cream x3

3 cream bottles of 2 Oz. 100% natural product made from bee venom called APITOXIN. Its natural components have analgesic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Testronix – Capsules

What is it? Testronix is a powerful blend of various ingredients of natural origin. Testronix improves mental awareness, helps to increase blood flow for a better sexual performance.

Bioxtron Life – Capsules + Cream

Dietary supplement in Capsules + Cream Bottle with 90 capsules + 2 Oz Cream. 100% Natural formula that promotes the body’s natural ability to produce cells, that help to combat pain, fatigue, low defenses, among other health problems.